
My anger is really getting the better of me and it's eating me up from inside slowly. I dont think it's healthy but i reallie dunoe what to do now. And it seems to be a barrier for me to be cheerful and happy as i used too. And there seems to be many things disturbing me and i dunoe what to do about them. I'm here yet i think i'm living in a different timezone.

As i walked along MLT2 just now morning, i felt as if i was in Australia with the cool breeze penetrating thru my clothes yet the heat of the sun can be felt going deep into the layers of my skin. I reallie feel like i don't belong anywhere. Just trapped in this bubble and being carried around to and fro school.

And i hastily went to Bedok after school but ironically they didn't sell the softwares i was looking for and how pathetic is that. So i decided to walk home in the hot sun.

I cant seem to see what is the main cause of this problem, reallie!!!i think i'm running away i keep sighing here and there, and sigh again and again aiyo, what's happening to me??It's eating me up from inside. And crit is tmrw and dont think it will be a good we'll see


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