It's been 11 days since

So what happen in the 11 day gaps of no updates. Nothing much basically. Have just submitted my appeal for NUS and outcome wont be coming so soon. It was mentioned that the result of appeal will only be received late june till mid july and so i've two more months to sit at home and relax. You see i've declared unofficial holiday for myself and yet my mum says that if i go out to work it's better as i can earn some bucks. For now i will have to survive the next two months with my pas which is coming soon on the 10 and which is not that much. Furthermore with GSS kicking off its bad for the pockets.

I went to catch Da Vinci Code the other day and can't resist stopping by at Dorothy PErkins, the price slash was madness and i'm waiting for my pay to get some pieces from there. And from Ova too been long since i went there. Main target will be pants and jeans seriuosly in need of New. I'm still a bit itchy to get new heels but think that can be save for later. After i delcared myself bankrupt i will stay at home everyday and no going out for me, so dont bother asking me out. That sounds so cruel rite.

I hope my appeal goes well, i really do.

and the one thing i've still yet to do is to clear my project stuff from my room, i need some breathing space, suqashy squashy go away, poof!


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