Happy Birthday to the following peeps:
My lovable chocolatary sis Siti Hajar
My sweet adorable partner sis Liyana Ramli (if not for Nurhayat I won’t have known you)
My course mate Joan…
Wow,cool huh, three peeps birthdy in a day. Anyway best wishes for all of you and hope you all like the prezzies. May all your days be filled with laughter and happiness.
Alhamdulillah submission for 2d and A2 panels dah pun selesai lagi stau submission coming on Monday,hehe masih belum kuselesaikan the pwr pt presentation journal and docket,need my rest dulu past few days havent been sleeping well jadi perlu berehat kalau tidak tak mampu berfikir dengan waras kekeke…
Kepada kenkawan semua yang akan menduduki peperiksaan, selamat maju jaya doaku sentiasa mengiringi kamu semua, jangan seteres sangat tak bagus, relaks chill and try your best...sentiasa ingat Usaha, doa dan tawakkal. :)
Sekian cepat masa berlalu sudah pun setahun lenih aku mengharungi persekolahan di Politeknik SIngapura. Masih ingat lagi kali pertama menjejakkan diri di sekolah ini, i was super afraid and anxious at that time luckily ade orang tean kalau tidak dah cant imagine what will happen. Thanks Mi temankan me. Miss ya man! and thanks to Azzie without her my first day will be a blur. Hehe tapi sekarang dah expert dah pat Sp yang 'kecil' tu. Ingat lagi masa the first few weeks pat sekolah i carry a map around takut sesat ingatkan sekolah tu besar lah sekali dah lama2 dah pandai gitukan tak lah besar sangat khehehe....
Still remember my many first few scandals...wakaka...rabak Zaf (memang rabakz selalu) My first lunch with Mr A, hehe suweet anxious and nervous lah maser tu nasib baik dier cool jek still can recall very clearly pat FC3 it was a saturday too nasib baik tak de orang nampak :p haha. My first dinner with another Mr A luckily we are in the same sch of BE back then got a lot of similarities to talk about. The second dinner was very casual more friend-friend case type at FC3 oso,haha. My another going-to-school friend Mr S, it was quite some time that we were doing dat waiting for each other and ging school together untill we got superb busy with out own sch work.Then met along with Mr Y, since he stayed even nearer to me we kind of like almost everyday go-to-school and back-from-school together. He was a superb nice guy but sadly had to turn him down, i wasn't trying to be mean and i am not mean but i guess just wasn't the right one. We tried to remain as friends but guess it's not really the same, though i still keep in touch it ain't the same anymore, miss much of his company to and fro of school. And really treasure the friendship so hope it last. SOmeone with the same kind of frequency as me,another Mr Y, my one and only buddy, went thru some nice times and not so nice times together. pain but am forgiving, he did what's best. Buddy will always remain a buddy, for a lifetime. Pray the best for you and her. Am glad the two of you are together(from the bottom of my heart). Then along the line of time met my ex, guess life was kind of superb for a while. He then became my going-to-school and back-from-school friend.Lucky he stayed in the east too. The four plus months together were memories now linger in me. I have grown old from whatever i've been thru or put it in nice words, grown wiser, i guess it's all part of growing up right.
Then came some downside of life, rivitalised again by my current male bestfriend Mr S, thanks for your wonderful patience and company all this while and hope our friendship will mature more over the years to come. You have the key yet maybe the lock is somewhere else, i'm sure you'll find a better lock one day. You brought sunshine back into my life, you'll always be my shinning star.
My good friends Mr A, well it is a wonder what life can bring right. Am still here standing alongside you, thanks for hearing me out, craps and nonsense. Mr Z for much advice needed in time i wish you all the best in improving and proving your great abilities to yourself and others, am confident you'll be great in years to come. Do miss our online craps and i'll always be here to listen out ya and the most favourite line of the conversation "ngah buat aper tu?/lagi buat aper tu?"
Not forgetting my dearest bro Mr E been sharing lots with him, though we seem much busy nowadays with our own life, dont forget me ya.Call me when u're free, got lots to catch up miss ya and haven't seen ya for quite a while. My super busy bespren all the best and good luck for future endeavours, dengar2 dah ader gerl, iyer ke?sape? takkan tak nak share....
To all that have touched my life....Girls jangan jeles eh, i was just somehow recalling the guys i ever had a crush on or ever like or admire, well you gerls know better how much you gerls mean to me....Just writing history of memories in me....
And those not mention, you might have slip my mind but that dosent mean you're forgotten :D
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
My lovable chocolatary sis Siti Hajar
My sweet adorable partner sis Liyana Ramli (if not for Nurhayat I won’t have known you)
My course mate Joan…
Wow,cool huh, three peeps birthdy in a day. Anyway best wishes for all of you and hope you all like the prezzies. May all your days be filled with laughter and happiness.
Alhamdulillah submission for 2d and A2 panels dah pun selesai lagi stau submission coming on Monday,hehe masih belum kuselesaikan the pwr pt presentation journal and docket,need my rest dulu past few days havent been sleeping well jadi perlu berehat kalau tidak tak mampu berfikir dengan waras kekeke…
Kepada kenkawan semua yang akan menduduki peperiksaan, selamat maju jaya doaku sentiasa mengiringi kamu semua, jangan seteres sangat tak bagus, relaks chill and try your best...sentiasa ingat Usaha, doa dan tawakkal. :)
Sekian cepat masa berlalu sudah pun setahun lenih aku mengharungi persekolahan di Politeknik SIngapura. Masih ingat lagi kali pertama menjejakkan diri di sekolah ini, i was super afraid and anxious at that time luckily ade orang tean kalau tidak dah cant imagine what will happen. Thanks Mi temankan me. Miss ya man! and thanks to Azzie without her my first day will be a blur. Hehe tapi sekarang dah expert dah pat Sp yang 'kecil' tu. Ingat lagi masa the first few weeks pat sekolah i carry a map around takut sesat ingatkan sekolah tu besar lah sekali dah lama2 dah pandai gitukan tak lah besar sangat khehehe....
Still remember my many first few scandals...wakaka...rabak Zaf (memang rabakz selalu) My first lunch with Mr A, hehe suweet anxious and nervous lah maser tu nasib baik dier cool jek still can recall very clearly pat FC3 it was a saturday too nasib baik tak de orang nampak :p haha. My first dinner with another Mr A luckily we are in the same sch of BE back then got a lot of similarities to talk about. The second dinner was very casual more friend-friend case type at FC3 oso,haha. My another going-to-school friend Mr S, it was quite some time that we were doing dat waiting for each other and ging school together untill we got superb busy with out own sch work.Then met along with Mr Y, since he stayed even nearer to me we kind of like almost everyday go-to-school and back-from-school together. He was a superb nice guy but sadly had to turn him down, i wasn't trying to be mean and i am not mean but i guess just wasn't the right one. We tried to remain as friends but guess it's not really the same, though i still keep in touch it ain't the same anymore, miss much of his company to and fro of school. And really treasure the friendship so hope it last. SOmeone with the same kind of frequency as me,another Mr Y, my one and only buddy, went thru some nice times and not so nice times together. pain but am forgiving, he did what's best. Buddy will always remain a buddy, for a lifetime. Pray the best for you and her. Am glad the two of you are together(from the bottom of my heart). Then along the line of time met my ex, guess life was kind of superb for a while. He then became my going-to-school and back-from-school friend.Lucky he stayed in the east too. The four plus months together were memories now linger in me. I have grown old from whatever i've been thru or put it in nice words, grown wiser, i guess it's all part of growing up right.
Then came some downside of life, rivitalised again by my current male bestfriend Mr S, thanks for your wonderful patience and company all this while and hope our friendship will mature more over the years to come. You have the key yet maybe the lock is somewhere else, i'm sure you'll find a better lock one day. You brought sunshine back into my life, you'll always be my shinning star.
My good friends Mr A, well it is a wonder what life can bring right. Am still here standing alongside you, thanks for hearing me out, craps and nonsense. Mr Z for much advice needed in time i wish you all the best in improving and proving your great abilities to yourself and others, am confident you'll be great in years to come. Do miss our online craps and i'll always be here to listen out ya and the most favourite line of the conversation "ngah buat aper tu?/lagi buat aper tu?"
Not forgetting my dearest bro Mr E been sharing lots with him, though we seem much busy nowadays with our own life, dont forget me ya.Call me when u're free, got lots to catch up miss ya and haven't seen ya for quite a while. My super busy bespren all the best and good luck for future endeavours, dengar2 dah ader gerl, iyer ke?sape? takkan tak nak share....
To all that have touched my life....Girls jangan jeles eh, i was just somehow recalling the guys i ever had a crush on or ever like or admire, well you gerls know better how much you gerls mean to me....Just writing history of memories in me....
And those not mention, you might have slip my mind but that dosent mean you're forgotten :D
Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
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