Who are you? Who is the real you?

Went for an Iftar yesterday organise by Nur Ikhwan and NYP Muslim student. ALhamdulillah everything went on fine, would like to congragulate the organizers on their effort and hard work and all those who have attended the event though it was raining really heavily in the day.

Basically they had a different rpogram for the day but it was really meaningful. The iftar was held at Masjid Abdul Hamid kampung pasiran which i think it's quite cool.It's a totally different environment since it's a mosque.And it's near Novena Mrt so good ideal location. Program line up is quite different compare to the past two iftars that i've attended.

Basically Registration then Recitation of surah then a short tal by Dr Al-Bakri,Q&A,sharing session, group discussion,presentation on darfur,relax2 while waiting for buka then buka and ends.The rest is up to you wether nak terawih or not and stuff like dat.The higlight of the day for me was the talk given by Dr Al-Bakri, it was really ispiring, in short i summarise the whole talk into two questions.

Lets all try this:

Firstly ask yourself: Who are you?

In my opinion this question will only give simple and general amswers like eg;i'm a gerl/boy, i'm schooling so-so, i'm staying so-so, i like this and that, but let's re-phrase that question again to something else...

Secondly ask yourself: Who is the real you?

Answer: being in the continuos present tense, it is still happening , now , ask yourself, are you able to answer? Something to ponder about. What do you intend to do with your life? Questions and more questions keep pouring in...i just can't explain in words how very inspiring the talk was, i guess if you guys meet me face-to-face then i can tell more with expressions and all it shall be more interesting. DO you want to be a leader of tomorrow? WHo do you want to lead? How will you lead? What will you be like 5 years down the road? 10 years? 20 years? What is your mission in life? Is serious my dear friends, we are at the crossroads of life.DO you which to turn right,or left, or go straight or make a U-turn. It's not that i havent been thinking about all this matter but suddenly everything seems so near, time seems stingy, life seems short, enjoy every moment of it. Sayang will sure say, thinking too much again? :p

Allah guide me.Amin *ponders and think*


Today help mum buat juih, granny and two aunts came over, kecoh jap umah. Then went out for a date with Siti go and look for kasut raya. For more details read at her blog, hehe, penat uh nak type, we had a superb time break-fasting at Swensen's Plaza Singapura, there's always smtn that will happen whenever we go PS swensen haha, farnie y is dat so, y only at PS Swensens? well maybe it's just co-incidental...

Want to write more but am tired, sleeps...c ya all soon


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