Happy Birthday Yun Ling.....


What a way to start the day…

Kemarahan yang diluahkan oleh para guru memang amat pedas kurasakan. Sakit hati pun ada tapi memang salah kita sendiri, cumer ader kurang dari dua minggu kepada final submission aku namun apakah yang telah aku berikan selama ini.Arrghh not enuf input which will cause failure at the end.It's all my fault haven't been prioritizing well,stupid me it's really bad feeling reallie idiotic when a friend said this to me yesterday ''at least mine is better thean yours'' it really stab me in the heart, I know I'm not that good in this area but everything is just not going right, I feel like shit man ''by now we should be able to let you guys go, we don't want to hold on to you any longer, by your second year you're suppose to get a grip of design already a certain direction to work towards'' just feeling sucky and bad I've lost all enthusiasm, going school is no fun anymore but deep down inside I don't want to stop, I want to run but my feet aren't carrying me fast enough. Why oh why????? With the rate I'm goin I'm soo gona fail, c'mon zaf this is the final project for year 2, is this the way to end your second year....

It's just bloody bad....what a day...don't think will be going for meeting today, I know it's just as important but I'm sorry I think I need to do my school werk and there's meetings next week too. Might be skipping all meetings until after submission on the 31 Jan 2005

I feel super sucky,I'm bad,I'm bad,I'm bad.......

Sorrie guys....


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