Watiting is always an anticipation

The awaits his return with much anticipation. It's like awaiting a death toll. That's terrible how things can be in the life. Trying to keep the busy with the school work and extra activites, life has been much of a loner. Going to and fro alone, a word the rarely lives for, but well one does live for oneself right? and the awaits the many more overseas trip he will be going on. A real test the thinks it is yet sometimess is too hard for the not to be depress. The is trying to be optimistic as the always is. Some happy thing sdid happen and the was glad that simple things in life do make the happy, it's not the money and the presents but the comfort of friends and family and the future of the. School work comforts the too haha but in a different manner. Stressing the up :p


Thanks to Siti and May for the wonderful Birthday present and souveniors and of course my aunts and uncles.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all Muslims out there and to my friends especially mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala kesilapanku. =D


and the bird call upon the worm "Hey there" "How are you?" Welcoming with open arms with that smile, a memory to treasure, how friendship between two animals reallybrightens up the day, the shine of longevity and love and care they had for each other. Trap in that moment they happily chatted about the good ol' days.


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