My babes

Went out with the gerls today just to kill time and meet Azzie up. Hehe next meeting will be for Syidah's Birthday next week at Chalet wooohooo. Then May for Hidayah's Birthday followed by Aishah's Birthday in June.

Late nites MSN chats are lovely especially when your friends who are working on weekdays and get to chat with them and catch up on life on weekends.

Zulhairy - Hey man great to be in touch with you again. I'l be here for you.

Eddy - Finally see him online but he's busy. It's okie.

Nadz - Always around to disturb me, hehe.

Sharifah - Thanks for the thanks i received, i want to be ur motivating factor.

Yusri - Adikku i lurve u to bits haha, every nite layan my merepekness.

Aishah - Darling i lurve u too. Wan is the one for u remember that.

Azzie - Nanti dah start kerja dah busy but keep in touch.

Hidayah - Bila nak tag pat blog aku.

There's sooo much things i want to write but i'm sleepy.Period.


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