Zoo Visit

Hello world, i am back, after a torturous month of exams hehehe. Ok i wont say torture but it was quite a challenge.

Exam this time around was highly regarded as one of the toughest i have set for. Strategy for Term 2 are in progress on tackling exams. Extensive reading is highly recommended especially on current business issues, but aside that i'm glad it's over, not expecting much but we'll see how, results another 2 months i guess.

Manage to stay at home 90% of July to mug, that prove to be not enough. I'm looking forward to friendly dates spread thru out my short 20 day break, aside that tuition is still going on as usual so that will keep me occupied, everyday, only free for Sunday haha ok that looks bad.

Nevertheless i took advantage of SIA.E.C Family Day by bringing along 3 of the best girlfriends. The last time i visit the zoo was in Primary 4, that's ages ago. Though it was pack to brim, we still manage to walk and tour the zoo, check out Hot animals and Hot zoo staff *winks* hehe. I manage to meet my 'relatives' and talk to them in the form of 'moo', 'meow' and others kih kih kih. Check out the collage below and i'll post up the rest on my Fotopages.

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Will be back with more updates!


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