I lost my screw

My first present(the ohh-so-gorgeous purple brooch) for the upcoming 22nd birthday, given to me by this classmate of mine, Ingrid. She's currently pregnant and we are all happy for her, she's married by the way, from Colombia and have been in Singapore for 5 years now, talk about globalisation!

I so need to pace up myself, exams next month! again! yeah i know, sigh! but oh well. Anyway i would like to share something from Zuhur's tazkirah i heard at the mosque today, "kalau ada problem jangan asik nak pergi kat kubur wali, bawa pisang, kenapa pisang eh? kenapa tak bawa apple ke pear ke? Sebaik-baiknya kalau ada problem pergilah kat IBU kamu, cakap dengan ibu, Bu saya ada masalah ibu tolong doakan ye, kerana Doa Ibu untuk anaknya tiada hijab(maksudnya can go directly straight to Allah) dan insya-Allah akan dikabulkan segera." Not exactly in that manner i paraphrase it lah, anyway talk about the Power of Doa especially a mother's Doa for her child. :)

I laugh hysterically in class today, i think i've gone nuts and my screws are loose, ok going to settle some ironing, toodles!


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