I want to work, i need a job

So what have i been up to at home? Nothing other than being a full-time maid and full time job-hunter.

For being such a nice friend i accompanied Hidayah to Seoul Garden on Monday, somebody wanted to use birthday month advantage=free dinner. I on the other hand remembered clearly the last meal that i had in SG roughly about 2 years ago, made me puke as soon as i step out of the outlet. With that i vowed not to eat at SG again. I decided to go slow this time and actually not be greedy. Somehow my stomach have grown a little smaller, i couldn't eat as much as before, but we had a great time nonetheless talking till there were only less than 10 patrons left and the waiters keep coming back to our table and ask 'Can i clear this?' irritating i tell you.

Zafirah is actively looking for work, would you like to hire her?

I am still not cleaning up my desk and bookshelf, so teruk, somebody scold me please.


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