Will finally meet...

Wherever i go for my travels, I have this habit of buying things without knowing who to give them to. Everytime i unpack my luggage, all these item will go to my 'junk' drawer and i can safely claim that most of the items do finally meet their respective owners but it may take years. Don't worry i keep all the items in good condition and most of the time it is in their original packaging.

This particular Man U lanyard was bought in 2010 when i spend 3 weeks in UK for a holiday with the family. Every football club that i went to, i got a lanyard. To me its one of the most useful item any office worker needs. After sitting in my drawer for 2 years plus now it will finally meet it's owner.

I currently have a trainee under my wing for 2 weeks. After one of the session that he was observing, somehow the topic of soccer came up and i manage to ask him which football team does he supports. It was Man U. I immediately remember this lanyard that's sitting in my drawer. The other lanyards have been given away and this is the only one left. Glad to know that i will finally be passing it on to someone who will appreciate it.

A take away from this observation of mine is that, in life we plan for things to happen. However there will be times things doesn't go our way and all we have to do is patiently wait. Hopefully one day i shall meet with my husband just like how this lanyard sitting in my drawer has finally found it's owner.

I remembered clearly that i have always wanted to settle down by 26. Its now 4 months away.

Have faith and trust in Allah, He is the best of planner and if i don't get a chance to meet him here then hopefully in Jannah over there.


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